Hello, Fellow Libertarians
Being a new year and a new decade, I want to start in a new direction. I want to get new people more involved in the party. We also need to be open to others viewpoints and not let personal squabbles get in the way of the big picture. Our regional structure was set up to allow a more local way of attracting new people to the party, however, I haven’t seen much if any activity from any of the regions. Central has only had 3 meetings in the last year. North Central, while more active than most, has only had a few impromptu meetings online and hasn’t really incorporated a way to include new people. Northeast has basically been non-existent except for Tulsa County, though there hasn’t been any activity there in nearly 2 years. Oklahoma County hasn’t had a meeting or anything since their formation. I’ll take full blame for that one, as I was the one who started it, but I didn’t properly see to any kind of transition since becoming Chair of the Party. Southeast is having their first convention this coming weekend. I’m excited about this as this region has been one on my radar as a must need. The remaining 3 regions have nothing, and that is disheartening especially since one of those regions already has an affiliated county.
I don’t mean to bag on the regions. I get it. There are so few of us, with so little money, and so much ground to cover that it seems extremely overwhelming. I get emails almost daily with people who want to volunteer but don’t know where to go or what to do. I want to help steer these people in the right direction.
We need to start thinking outside of the box. Stop trying to focus on proper structure, and look towards ways of getting people involved. What I’m asking should not be construed as meaning more activism and less party politics. What I’m asking is for less formality and more action on political matters. More candidate recruitment, more campaign training, and more volunteer opportunities are necessary to take the next step towards our party’s goal. I want to see people who are really interested in policy matters to follow legislation. I want numbers people to start looking for winnable races. I want people who have never been involved in a campaign to volunteer to be a campaign manager or a treasurer. It’s ok if you have zero experience, there are several of us with experience and/or the knowledge to help you succeed. I would like to see many of you who have been involved in the past to come back and share your experiences. Let’s reignite the passion for liberty that you once had, and let it be the spark to a whole new generation of liberty loving Okies.
If you don’t know where to start but are interested in being involved reach out to your regional chair or any of the Executive Committee members. Let’s brainstorm together. When you or someone else asks what is the OKLP doing or what is coming up, instead of replying with “I don’t know,” reply back with “Let’s start something together.” 
In Liberty,
Chad Williams
Chair, Oklahoma Libertarian Party
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