Hello Fellow Libertarian,

I want to first give a big shout out to our Secretary, Cherise Norton, for stepping up, and going above and beyond in helping build this party. Her hard work this past month has been tremendous in helping attract more people to the Libertarian Party of Oklahoma.

If you haven’t been on our website lately, I suggest you go check it out. We have been diligently trying to bring you more content about what matters to Oklahomans and to Oklahoma Libertarians. If you would like to help us generate content please reach out to us at volunteer@oklp.org.

Some more exciting news from around the state, we would like to say congratulations to the members of the Canadian County Libertarian Party for approving their bylaws and electing officers. After final approval in November, this will bring our total up to 4 affiliated counties, with several more exploring interest in affiliating.

Remember, remember the 5th of November. Don’t forget to buy your convention tickets early. Prices go up November 5th. Our convention committee is in the process of finalizing the agenda and confirming speakers. This is looking to be the most successful convention in OKLP history. Come be a part of it.

If you live outside of the OKC or Tulsa areas please reach out to our regional coordinators. With 10,500 registered Libertarians across the state, organizing outreach events outside of the 2 metro areas can be tough. If you live in a region without a coordinator, and you might be interested in helping organize county affiliates, let me know. I want to continue growing this party and it takes people willing to step up and take charge to make it happen.

And finally, as we are gearing up for 2020, I want to wish our candidates who have already declared the best of luck. And to those who are still on the fence, I invite you to take the plunge. Email me at chair@oklp.org and tell me about yourself and your district. Even if you decide not to run, I want to give you all the information so that you can make an informed decision. Running for office is hard work, but fulfilling. Its even better when you are watching returns on election night and see your name highlighted as the winner.

In Liberty,

Chad Williams
Chair, Oklahoma Libertarian Party

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